There are many events and activities each year in Pheasant Hills.  Participation is optional, however these events are usually well attended because they’re so much fun!  Please join us!

Progressive Dinner

The Progressive Dinner is a great way to meet new neighbors

Easter Egg Hunt

This is fun!  The organizer hides plastic eggs that have candy in them for the kids to find.  This is such an extraordinary event that the Easter Bunny himself makes an appearance!  All PH families are welcome.  The egg hunt is organized for various age groups up to age 10.

Garage Sale

This is a great opportunity to get the house ready for summer!  You can clean out stuff you don’t want and sell it.  Then buy more stuff from other neighbors to sell next year! (ha ha ha!).  The garage sale is held in May, the first weekend after Mother’s day.

T. G. I. F.

Thank Goodness It’s Friday parties are held once a month during the summer months.  The host provides appetizers and snacks and it’s B.Y.O.B.  These parties are typically adults only because the host doesn’t have activities going on for children, however sometimes hosts will make it family friendly.  To help the host offset the cost of food, it is $3.00 person.


This happens in late Summer or early Fall.


A great time for kids and parents.

Christmas Luminaries

Representatives from Pheasant Hills Association deliver white paper bags and votive candles to your door for you make luminaries out of.  On Christmas Eve, you line them up along your curb.  It is so pretty and gives you that warm fuzzy feeling!  If you will be out of town a neighbor would be happy to do this for you.  This is voluntary, please don’t feel obligated.

Play Group

A time for young children and their parents to get together to meet and play with neighborhood kids.